Thursday, September 11, 2008

My Book Is Finished!

I have finished writing my book -- it's called Voices Of Older Women: What They Want To Say... Why You're Not Listening. It is now available through Carneros Press ( The book is about what valuable older women have to say to the world. They have not been heard from, not called upon for advice, and are invisible and forgotten in terms of value and contribution.

The truth is that they are very valuable members of our families and society and have much to offer us. They are natural problem solvers, teachers, holders of life stories, keepers of secrets, skilled craftswomen, peacemakers, socially active and able to reinvent themselves, make do, and love unconditionally.

It is also about the plight of some invisible older women, who are disconnected from families and the losses to be felt by their adult children and society.

VOICES OF OLDER WOMEN is a book both for older women, and especially for their families. It is a call to families and society to acknowledge and embrace them before it is too late. It is a revealing look at what they have to say and why we don't want to listen. I had the privilege of interviewing 100 women and have captured their voices and stories.

My interest in this subject came from my career as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and Geriatric Case Manager, where I met many older women in many different settings who needed assistance. The women I met when I retired, talked about some of the same issues and problems as those who were ill or in need of help. I decided to check it out and found in the interviews that the problems women deal with are not exclusive to those who are of low income or those who are not well. They are universal.

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